
I’ve Been Quiet Lately

by | Aug 2, 2024 | Cancer

I’ve been quiet lately, as life has given me room to be pensive. It’s hot in Florida, and just like northerners stay inside during the winter, Floridians stay inside during the summer. I’ve gotten a lot of cleaning and organizing done and even had time to work on some crafts. I started a daytime women’s Bible Study which has been pure joy.

I’ve also gotten more caught up on life, reading books, and responding to emails, etc., that have been hanging in the background. I especially liked this Hope Has Arrived article ( ). Her journey echoes so much of my own, except for the musical talent. Seasons like this are precious.

And I’ve had some space to make an audio recording of my book. Now comes the work of editing it, but so many have encouraged me to do it that I felt it was the next step. I’m helping a friend who is a writer/artist to put together his children’s book. Summertime is such a great season to just “be” with others, enjoying who God created us to be, with all its blessings and pain.

I’ve been with several going through the agony of disease and wish we could relieve the pain and struggle. At the same time, we’ve been watching the Olympics, those who have extraordinary strength. Our world seems like contrasts, and each of us is trying to figure out how to live in the middle.

I’m grateful for you who follow me. One of the crafts I made was bookmarks. If you would like one, just comment below and send me an address and I’ll be glad to send it.

And enjoy this season.



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1 Comment

  1. nancy Beverly

    Thanks, Maggie, for sharing your everyday life with us and how you use the many gifts God has given you! You inspire me to use mine, too!


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