
Me and My Hero

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Cancer

So, you may be wondering, who is this person who wrote a book?

If you have read Suspended, you know a little about my story, but let me introduce myself a little more than the “author’s blurb.”

I am a real person living in Florida, near the “Space Coast.” (And yes, I can see launches off my porch!) The back of the book has my picture with Kassie, who I adore, but you can’t see the real hero of my story, my husband Roger.

Roger is the (almost) silent figure throughout my story. He’s been there through the shocks of treatment and the lulls of health. He called 911 after my falls, sat hours in the ER, and filled out mountains of paperwork. The boldest action he ever took was straightening my leg when the bone was sticking out. Ouch!

Everyone should have a Roger in their life, someone who isn’t afraid to get close to the messiness and receive us for who we are, someone who respects and cares for us when we are at our worst.

Professionally, they are called “caregivers,” but they are so much more. They walk with us, lending support in ways we don’t even know we need. And even when we are barely conscious, they are with us, respecting us for our humanity.

You may not have someone like this in your life, and I feel for you. They are out there, but sometimes it takes looking beyond our own pain to see them. When you find one, hold on to them and let them know how much you appreciate them. They have the hardest job: watching you suffer through your disease.

So, who is your hero? I’d love to hear about them. How have they made you feel valuable when you were at your worst? How do you know they care?

And what suggestions do you have for those who are still looking? This is a safe place to express your frustrations, and I hope we can be a type of “caregiver,” even from afar.

Be my hero!



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