
When You Think You’re Free!

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Cancer

Wouldn’t you know, just about the time you think you are free from what ails you, you are not!

For some, it’s a relapse of cancer or MS or something really serious. For me, it’s just been this nasty cold/Covid/now back to the cold-type thing. And it just reminds me of the ups and downs of life, some more serious than others, obviously.

And it’s easy to become discouraged. We want to be free to pursue those things that capture our hearts, relationships, projects, hopes, and dreams. As some say, “Our heart wants what it wants,” and even if we can get our spirit, our will, to go with it, sometimes our bodies just say, “No.”

So, I’ve been canceling things for the last few days. I posted “Freedom” on Monday, but by Thursday, my wings were clipped. I made one event that was important to me but paid for it by canceling others on Friday.

I’m a real person, just like you. We have our ups and downs, and we are tempted to become discouraged.

My first tip is what I have to tell myself: accept reality. A “down” is a “down.” What is happening is happening, and it doesn’t help it or all I want to do if I ignore it. My cold won’t get better if I continue to drive myself physically – I need to get rest, drink lots of water, and take medication as it is available (and lots of Kleenex!)

My second tip to myself: life will go on without me. Yes, I have to cancel things that disappoint myself and others. But they are better off not catching my germs. Temporarily, they can figure something else out. It’s better for both of us.

My third tip: Think creatively. What can I still give to others that will not cost me or them too much? A text to my daughter as I canceled this weekend with her at least let her know how disappointed I was. Fortunately, some of my meetings were via Zoom, so I wasn’t completely down and out.

My fourth tip: Trust God. There is something out there bigger than you and me holding this whole universe together. I think it’ll go on while we’re fighting whatever it is that we are fighting. Yes, we’ll miss some things, and for that, I am sad. But for others, they may have even found new opportunities in our absence.

OK, now you can feel a little sorry for me and say a prayer. I would really like to feel better!



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