
A Sidestep: Questions of Pilate

by | Mar 21, 2024 | Inspirational

If you don’t mind, we’re going to take a sidestep from talking about living with illness to connect with something I’ve been learning about personally through the Bible.

This is the season leading up to Easter. In two studies that I am in, one in Luke and one in John, they have both been working toward the end of Jesus’ earthly life. Especially in John, I have found the story of his interactions with Pilate interesting and wanted to share it with you.

I’m always interested in the questions in the Bible. They engage me. I have a friend who has a book about the questions in the Bible, especially how Jesus used questions, which is free online at Bob Tiede, the author, encourages us to ask good questions of others, and that was what made my ears perk up when reading John 18.

Pilate asked Jesus seven questions.

So, I took a step back and thought through those questions and the answers that eventually led Jesus to the cross.

I invite you to go on a journey with me. But if you are not interested, rest assured that I’ll be back talking about health-related subjects after Easter.

Let’s go!



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