
Let’s Not Forget

by | Dec 2, 2023 | Cancer

There is so much to remember during this season – gifts to buy, people to greet, houses to clean, food to make. It can be overwhelming, even for healthy people.

But let’s not forget the people all around us who are not in the flurry of the holiday. In fact, a lot of what they do is like what they did in November, October, or even last July. They go to appointments with doctors, do labs, take treatments, go to physical therapy, and pick up meds with the occasional surprise hospital visit.

While healthy people spout off their busy schedules, there are people who long for the season of life when they can go see family, get on an airplane, or cook Christmas dinner. Instead, they are tied to an IV, oxygen tube, or dialysis appointment. They long for the freedom, the energy, the possibility of more while living with the reality that this might be their last Christmas.

So don’t forget these dear ones.

Slow down.

Take time to go at their speed, just for a moment. Seek them out of the group. Sit with them. Talk with them. Reminisce about Christmases past and how they brought you joy.  Tell them how good they are doing just to sit with you. Let them know that their presence is a gift.

It won’t take long. You’ll have time to race off later and accomplish your lists. Just as your activities make you feel full, those few moments with your loved one may make them feel full. They may not have much to give, but what they have is so precious. Slow down so they can give what they have.

Question/Comment: Who do you need not to forget this holiday season? How can you give them the gift of time?



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