
Suspended – Reviews on Amazon

by | Nov 9, 2023 | News

Thank you to everyone who has purchased Suspended!

I’ve been thrilled to hear the stories. One man stopped me on the way into church, telling me how he cried after reading the first chapter! Another has purchased it for his friend who has chosen to no longer take treatments. This is the “why” I wrote the book.

But to capture the impact, I need to ask a favor.  Amazon automatically promotes books that get positive reviews.

Would you post a review?

I know for some, this has been a challenge, so let me walk you through the process:

  1. Go to Suspended on the Amazon site using the QR code or search Suspended Maggie Bruehl on
  2. On the page where you can order the book, scroll down until you come to “Customer Reviews.” There, you can see the reviews from others.
  3. Scroll further down, and there is “Review this Product” or “write a review.” Click on the bar that says, “Write a customer review” which will take you to a new page.
  4. Rate it, share a picture (optional), add a headline, and write a review. Be sure to click on “Submit” before leaving the page. It may take a couple of days before the review appears.

Thank you for reading the book and for the comments you leave. Let me know how the book has encouraged you.

And let’s get the word out!



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