Robert Burns is credited with saying, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”
So, am I a mouse or a man?
Things sure spun out of control this week. A couple of weeks ago, when I was at the writer’s conference, I hurt my knee. Initial doctor’s visits suggest a torn meniscus. I was obedient, keeping it elevated with ice, which reduced the pain. However, the inactivity combined with the ice slowing circulation and the chemo drugs I take created the perfect storm.
Blood clots.
So I spent the rest of the week and weekend in the hospital while they cleaned out my veins and filled me with new drugs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it wasn’t worse, but working on the book and learning about marketing came to a complete halt.
However, a strange thought came across my mind – rather than working on social media, which may or may not connect with my writing “audience,” I was placed in the middle in the mainstream – a hospital. I talked with several medical personnel about the book, even giving away some to those who seemed especially interested.
I don’t think I’ll go far enough to suggest cause and effect, but what started out as something negative ended up as positive, and as you think about it, isn’t that what Suspended: Living with Dying is all about?
What has interrupted your life recently? How were you able to turn it from negative to positive, or are you still trying to turn it around?