Never a Bad Hair Day 

Never a Bad Hair Day 

I came across this while cleaning out some files of resources I had collected for my book. It made me smile, and I thought it might make you smile too. I don’t know who Paula is, but if someone does, I’d gladly give her credit. Never a Bad Hair Day Posted...
I was Shocked

I was Shocked

Sure, I had been sick most of January and February. And he had just gotten out of a week at the hospital that I hadn’t known about. I guess I hadn’t seen him since before Christmas. But I hardly recognized him. He was a shadow of the man he had been. I...
Between Life and Death

Between Life and Death

This is something I wrote a few months ago, remembering back to a critical time in my cancer journey: Few of us ever have the experience of hanging between life and death. We don’t want to. We want to feel as if we will live forever and never have to see death. And...


In the US, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. As with most things in current politics, it’s become a hot topic, like we’re fighting between settlers and Indians all over again. But I think for most people, it’s a time to take a step back, think about what we are grateful...
Balance – Round 4 – Week 2

Balance – Round 4 – Week 2

 By Maggie | January 22, 2014 | Maggie’s Blog I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks, which is a good thing. I enjoyed my week of rest, which included tests and doctor’s appointments. The number that had gone down from 1.2 to .5 remained at .5 after this last...